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1433130082 2010-11-3 11:03
伽侖籽 2010-11-3 03:49
ZERO1985 2010-10-30 22:25
伽侖籽 2010-10-25 10:37
一只神精: ☆~
cheekygirl 2010-10-24 21:20
一只神精:    额,美食的诱惑确实很大。但我一点也不担心,我瘦的像一只猴子,或者我的名字改做{Skinny boy}会比较准确
..may be you could be a king of monkey  ..haha...then I can always have free fruit...
cheekygirl 2010-10-24 21:18
一只神精:    额,美食的诱惑确实很大。但我一点也不担心,我瘦的像一只猴子,或者我的名字改做{Skinny boy}会比较准确
..You are so lucky .I tried so hard did not lost any weight ,just did not gain any more.

If you are too skinny ,you might to review your eating habit.Skinny does not mean not health,but if you are too skinny,better make an apoitment with your GP have a check,find what curse it, and follow GP/doctor's advises .To eat more balanced food -meat, veg. fruit...
cheekygirl 2010-10-24 21:01
一只神精:       对于我来说,现在真正学习{功夫}已经太晚,呵呵
I also like the chat, you can always message me, I will return to see.
If a long time si ...
Never too old to lear anything !
ok..my computer is on most time from except some week end (use less power to protedt enviroment). If you did not receive my reply. i go to excise my 练功去了I must go to eat or go to GYM to lose weight .
哈哈.working hard to lose weight,another side, can not resist lovely fruit and food ..human 's weakness, not only mine !Just had dinner ,,
cheekygirl 2010-10-24 19:51
一只神精: 哈哈,我是写起来好玩的。
哈哈, I belive you are really  practicing chinese "gogn fu"!I ddi not read much recently .I should read more ,try to catch up with you yougner brothers and sisters.It is important spend some time to self- improve and career develop.

I did not chat for a long time .I like a chat box.Please let me know when you want do some reading,I will understand and always encourage my yourger relative to learn more skills.

I will feel bad if I disturb too much, and please DO let me know when you can not chat.
cheekygirl 2010-10-24 12:05

Sorry  for disturbing  you,,I did not read this before l send a message
一只神精 2010-10-21 18:35
开心猪 2010-10-11 23:20
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